My neck was killing me yesterday, and it's slightly better today, but still hurts a lot. I can't bend my head backward without pain unless I support it with my hand, and turning it in either direction hurts. Along with that, the left front side of my neck is tender to the touch. I called the doctor and he prescribed me some muscle relaxers, so I picked those up and took one last night with more Ibuprofen. It knocked me out around 7:30-45 or so, and I slept almost continuously until 8 this morning. I had nightmares again, but that isn't anything new.
I have a doctor appointment today so he can write me a script for physical therapy and see if anything else is wrong with me. When I was hit, I had my right foot on the brake, and rammed down harder at impact. My shin hurt off and on that day, but doesn't hurt any longer. It does feel kinda swollen and funny on the front of my shin, so I'm going to tell him about that as well when I go in. There is no bruise or anything. It's just sort of puffy feeling and swollen.
I hope these muscle relaxers continue to help. I'd take them during the day as well, but they knock me out, so they're just a nighttime sort of remedy. Thank you all for the caring comments!
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