Well, when we were involved in it I kept an accurate count so we'd know how many cranes we had. It's interesting for me to look back over the entries and see how we progressed.
Crane count
80 4/25
100 4/26 2:21pm
120 4/26 4:55pm
130 4/26 5:36pm
155 4/27 6:42pm
180 4/27 9:10pm
190 4/27 9:49pm
200 4/27 11:22pm
205 4/29 1:46pm
225 4/30 9:52pm
230 4/30 10:52pm
245 5/1
265 5/2
290 5/5 7:09pm
315 5/5 9:38pm
340 5/5 11:16pm
355 5/10 9:08pm
380 5/11 3:46pm
410 5/11 10:02pm
440 5/11 11:41pm
470 5/12 3:00pm
480 5/12 4:12pm
520 5/13
540 5/14 11:05pm
560 5/15 8:51pm
565 5/16 7:32pm
595 5/16 10:37pm
606 5/16 11:10pm
610 5/29
620 6/4 4:36pm
630 6/5
640 6/6 3:39pm
645 6/6 4:30pm
665 6/10 1:41pm
685 6/10 4:05pm
725 6/12 9:00pm
735 6/12 9:47pm
751 6/19 6:02pm
772 7/1 6:11pm
790 7/1 7:35pm
830 7/2 3:53pm
850 7/9
870 7/10
890 7/16
900 7/29 2:44pm
920 9/6 8:40pm
940 9/6 10:37pm
970 9/7 11:13pm
1000 9/8 4:52pm
Needless to say, one senbazuru is quite enough for this girl...
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