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FFF Prompt - Dec 28

A couple of people mentioned they wanted longer word counts, higher limits, more freedom to do a longer story, so this week, the busiest of the year, I'm going to loosen the leash and give you 500 words.  But, with a longer count, I expect great things....  I also expect a lot of you to be busy with those pesky families you all keep complaining about.  :-)  That's a joke folks!

So here is the challenge...

500 Words
Key phrase = "New Year" or "New Year's"
Extra Credit = Using a phrase in a foreign language (not English, which is completely anglo-centric, i know, but since...well, you know what I mean.  if you want to write it all in Italian with one English phrase, that's fine too.  Or Serbian.  that would be cool. And, yes, it's OK to use Google Translate, I'm going to, but how funny would it be to ask a friend translate some dirty phrase. "How do i say 'vaginal muscle cramps' in Spanish?")

This picture was submitted to the "More Bad Advice" tumblr by the Always wonderful Knotty Monkey who has a nice blog and Tumblr of her own.  Go show her some love.  And then get to writing!!!  My post will go up, as always, at 12:01 AM on December 28th!!!
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