I left the following comment on his blog:
My thoughts have been going along the same lines. I was trying to think the last time I got hard looking at Tumblr. These are amazingly beautiful women doing incredibly sexy things, and I find myself looking at them only for Flash Fiction potential or whether the fit into the 5 tags I use for my friends (FMAW, FMS, FMR, FMS & MVG, and CGII). OK, 6 tags.
I went cold turkey from Tumblr last year. I gave my friend control of my password, had her change it, and went 30+ days. But I didn't give up the other stuff. It was a nice break, but I didn't do the 100% like TOM is doing.
I even find that most RedTube and YouPorn is pretty boring, it's repetitive, it is generically beautiful women doing the same things, making the same sounds, and, apparently, there is only one cinematographer left in porn because every scene looks the same, it's either really bad hand-held work (how low budget can you get?) or it's the same 6 angles every time.
So, am I ready to join the 30 day fast? I have plenty of pictures for FFF, so by Sunday I'll set up 5 weeks of FFF and on Monday, March 18th, I'll join in and give up all my picture blogs, Tumblr, and videos. I'm still going to read my blogs, but since most of them are non-porn (just stories of the mundane) I don't think that counts.
I promise. And I'm still going to write FFF, I'll be honest about that.
See? I'm being a pussy already. But you know what I mean.
So here are the rules of my Porn Fast:
- No Tumblr
(Even as I write this, I just got two more followers)
[I removed Tumblr from my phone on 3/12]
My Tumblr feed will shut when my queue clears, but I just hit 300 in the queue. - No Porn Video sites
(RedTube, PornHub & YouPorn are my favorites, and NO I'm not going to link to them.) - I am still going to write FFF each week.
- I'm going to delay joining Head Day for a bit
(Sorry! I know I promised - Maybe I'll write one before I go) - I'm going to give up Twitter during the Fast.
My DM friends can e-mail me at advizor54@gmail.com
(it's just a big place to pick up chicks, but I really like the ones I already have) - Since this is to focus on real-life relationships, I will keep in touch with my current friends (non of whom are really writing porn these days) but will not try to start anything new, for now.
Added on Monday afternoon. Do I have to give up Sports Illustrated too?
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