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Come run with me

Meet me on the corner
under the light that flickers 
sodium yellow washing over you
as you shiver in the morning

let me see you waiting
the goosebumps testifying
that I'm worth the chill

run with me
share my passion
put in the miles with me
because miles mean time together.

run with me
hear my breathing
feel my pace, push me, keep up with me, challenge me

show me the new trail
you found with your husband,
then tell me where he stopped to kiss you
and tell me that you touched him back

i know you are not mine
that's OK
so tell me and bring me in to the circle
of those who know

let me watch your long legs stretch
get stronger
let me lag behind and watch your hips
your calves, your thighs, show off their strength

let me watch you sweat,
and work
let me see your dedication
grow into race times that astound me.

come run with me
let me be with you at your exhausted best
touch my hand in a high five 
at the top of Spiker's hill

let it be me that sees you bent over
gasping for air,
but with a smile on your face 
as you look at your watch and point out the time.

run with me
be my friend
my partner in grime
let it be me that shares
that fire red sunrise
the crisp morning air
the quiet of intimacy
the peace of the morning

come run with me
and be mine.

there's no Flash Fiction group post today, but, before I went out for my run, i wanted to capture the mood. so this one goes out to a few very special running partners that have shared the morning with me in the past.  I miss you all and love my memories of you.

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